Hey, im hexagon

I live Canada, and im a huge fucking nerd about nearly anything tech related (computers, radios, nuclear reactors, etc). I have a particular intrest in old tech, really anything ranging from CRTs to old operating systems like DOS. I often try to learn as much as I can, but that often ends up with me being very scatterbrained trying to work on 5 projects at once. But at the same time I do seem to thrive in that sort of messy, disorganied environment. A good example of this would be my bedroom, its super cluttered, everythings disorganised, and every table and shelf is covered with random junk... Is how someone else would view my room. For me, everything is exactly where I want it to be. Every seemingly random pile of junk, (and while they are still piles of junk) is organised by category, changing around when I need it to. I would almost describe it as a sort of dynamic, structureless way of organising things. And to be honest, I think a lot of people could benefit from doing things this way. But at the same time, most people probably prefer their living space looking nice and orginised instead of a big fucking mess all of the time.

I created this site mostly for the purpose of working on something when I feel like it/when I have nothing better to do. I tried to make the site look somewhat web1.0-like, and although I do try to make it look good, I have bad taste. So I dont doubt that most people think it looks bad. Or im completely wrong

Rules of life

I have a few rules of life and sayings like I like to live by.

- Create more than you destroy.

- Repair dont replace.

- Play defensively, let them come to you.

- Stay level headed.

- Every rule has its exception, including this one.

- Respect existence or expect resistance.

- KISS (Keep It Simple, stupid).