Cool operating systems


This was a linux distro based on morphix created for the purpose of being a quake team fortress server, it was made mostly for fun in late january 2003. I actually ended up finding the guy that made it and asked him a few questions:

Q. did it ever see widespread adoption or was it something used exclusively by you?

A. Not really any that I know of, I made it for fun and just put it out there.

Q. how did it compare to other server distributions at the time?

A. I don't think at the time there were many other ones. It was based on Morphix which was a build-your-own variant of Knoppix.

Q. how long was it in use for?

A. Unsure. I had it hosted on a site I had and didn't even track downloads.

Q. do you still play team fortress and/or team fortress 2?

A. I don't like TF2 really. I don't think anyone plays TF anymore. I played a lot of MegaTF back in '98/'99/'00, I worked at a startup company then, and we all played on a local server. I also played online then too.

purpose: server

ISO size: 129.6 MB

released: Jan 21 2003, last updated Dec 27 2003

website archive (and download) original forum post "some" info


KolibriOs is one of the smallest modern operating systems, most of the ISO images are ~44-48 MB. However, KolibriOS supports booting off of floppy. The file for this being compressed into only 1.3 MB, with only 8 MB of ram required to run. How they did this is beyond me, how this is even possible is beyond me. Althought it is written entierely in assembly which explains it a bit. Kolibri is sorta reminisent of templeOS to me, with just how fucking impressive they both are.

purpose: being extremely small and extremely fast

ISO size: 1.3 MB, 44.3 MB, 44.1 MB, 47.9 MB

released: 2004, last updated Apr 8 2024

main site


I dont think I can adequately and fully describe but ill try. TempleOS, it was created by Terry A Davis in 2005, it was made for the purpose of being the 3rd temple prophesied by the bible. Now, terry was a genius programmer, arguably one of the most skilled to ever live. It was written in assembly and 'Holy C', I dont remember the specifics of holy C, but I do know that it was a version of C written by him for the purpose of templeOS. The operating system is only 16.5 MB in size. Some of the most impressive things in my opinion are mouse integration, a flight simulator, a racing simulator, and a 3d grapics engine. And, althought these are very impressive they are also very janky.

Also, Terry believed that god was speaking to him, and instructed him to create the operating system (and holy C, iirc). He had severve schizophrenia, also believing that the CIA was hunting him down (also, im 50% sure this is where the term "glowie" originated from), also he was extremely racist. The entire story of Terry is way to long for me to put here, so I reccomend looking into it and/or watching the attached video detailing Terry and TempleOS

Near the end of his life he became homeless and stopped taking his medication, he later died from being hit by a train. With it being alleged that he commited suicide.

purpose: being the 3rd holy temple

ISO size: 16.5 MB

released: 2005, last updated Nov 20 2017

main site video detailing templeOS and Terry A Davis video of terry later on

Business card linux

As the name suggests, its a version of linux built to run on a business card. Of course, because it only has 8 MB to work with it is ULTRA stripped down. There isnt to much to say about it that he doesnt talk about in the blog post, which I suggest you read.

purpose: showing off, I guess

ISO size*: 2.4 MB+

released: 2019, last updated Aug 17 2019

Github blog post

Windows 7

This ended up turning more into a rant that me actually talking about what I think is cool.

Windows 7 my sweet darling boy, arguably the best windows version off all time, that somehow got sandwiched between arguablt the 2 worst windows versions off all time. I say arguably the best because ive heard a lot of people say that XP was the best. Windows XP was a bit before my time, and so I never used it and thus really have an opinion on it.

Windows 7 was my first actual look into computers that wasnt the shitty family desktop pc. It came installed on my dads work assigned E560 thinkpad, that he later gave to me after he got a new one. I used that laptop until christmas 2021 when I was gifted another laptop. Windows 7 being my first actual experience with computer has caused it to hold a special place in my heart, as im sure it does with many others. Like, 3% of windows users still use windows 7 despite the fact that support was officially ended over 4 years ago. I guess lack of security is a small price to pay for a reliable OS that didnt pester you with automatic updates, or to sync your microsoft account, or to use their shitty AI. It just stood the fuck out of your way and let you do what you nedeed to do.

purpose: General personal and business use.

ISO size: 3.1 GB

released: Jul 22 2009, last updated Feb 8 2023 download link